I had bought Hex on ETH network long back and now it's dumping hard. If I bridge it and send it to Pulse Hain network? Will it be pHEX then??
Why we have a massive dump for ETH based HEX?
One question, if I buy Eth HEX in Pulsex, will I be able to stake it using Pulsechain?? Or I cannot do it, I should only stake using ETH network by using bridge?
What is the best CEX to buy HEX? @admin
How to check % yield for Staking HEX?
Why we have native HEX on PulseX is higher than the HEX we send from ETH to Pulsex? Why the price difference is so huge?
Can we bridge EHex to PHex?
Can I get step by step guide for staking HEX?
When is the final hearing with sec guys?