did anybody here transfer any nfts on fangibles.com ??
Guys im mining with yeomwadner contract since 10 hours ago. Its temporarly or not?
where is it written that we can get nfts for our first 5 ships we craft??
Hi. We cant use metamask anymore? I just see coinbase wallet in the game for missions
Admins. Can i dm one of u?
Guys do u know when conceman will distribut stellar giveaway nfts??
Guys. I have two artunian and one barrel digger. The sum of nft lucks of these three are 27 and im in a land with multiplier of 0.8. in every mine my nft point must be 21.6 bu...
Guys does all of the stellar prizes distrubated? I didnt get any nfts yet
secret code is unique or every day we will have a new secret code???
Guys im getting mine too soon erorr. Is it global??
guys. whats happened to warder??? its 3 days that i didnt get free transactions.
hey guys. i claimed my mission reward but the claim button is still there. is it ok??
Guys do u have problem with changing planet in smartphone? I cant change the planet in my phone
Guys i didnt get any free transactions from yesterday. Why??
We dont have free transaction anymore?
teleport is ok?? i want to teleport my tlms
0.0001 was flagged or 0.00001?