I have been with lgcy since the beginning. Legion is the place where fun, happiness, bullishness even in the lowest of conditions has always been. We've seen the top of the mo...
@WesWadejr @JustinKKW can you do another ama in gem hunters or infinity gainz?
Anyone heard from @VengerbergYen95 lately?
Will usdl still work if a comet hits the planet?
@sigsoc I can't get ABTURNSUSON to send from my wallet in the explorer. Do you have contact with the devs or do you know who I should contact?
So basically I’m freezing my lgcy, getting usdl, and still able to use my lgcy for other things?
@JustinKKW how many shitcoins can I make?
Can I gain 56% through prestaking please?
Should I write an article on usdl?
@JustinKKW are you yatsan?
@JustinKKW can you hula?
I'm trying to send some ABturnsUSon but the transaction is hung. Any idea what the problem is?
The third one on the list is in russian. Is it @iantoneus?
Are you single, @sigsoc?
oh i thought dyor meant "dick yes? or rong?"
Ready? Watch this. What is the most important thing in the universe?
Governing bodies? There are 29?
how are the wens today? Calm?
Is pendulum swinging yet?
What is the dashboard?