Hi. have smbd knows how to set limit price with many zeros on bsc? for example, i can only chose 0.000002 or 0.000003 price for doge limit order but cant make 0.0000025
Screenshot of what i don't have access to chat anymore, screenshot of my tweet?
Great question 🙂 1inch is also working on the integration. But maybe we just should go and bombard them on twitter with this request? Let me do it now: https://twitter.com/Ale...
@k06aa @deacix funniest thing i just figure out, metamask swaps goes 56% through 1inch 36% through 0x, 😅😅 so what is metamask swaps aggregator of aggregators? 😄 https://dune....
What is wormhole?
It wasn’t about price, It was about fundamental. Near is ecosystem partner, I can’t discuss stuff about? 😑
isnt 1inch prepermitted token? Then why it request permission?
Кто знает истинный циркулейт slp? На cmc 4, на gecko 20
Just deleted my mssg? Really