Do we still earn "Reward for holding veSUN" while boosting LP with them?
Guys, Would the rewards of the following contract release automatically or do we have to trigger them manually? And when we do, does it release them all at once or what? We ha...
How do we make it so the V2 router considers routing through our custom tokens?
Can anyone write a script to trigger a swap when price reaches a certain exchange rate for sunswap?
Guys how do we get to BTT from WBTT at the moment? It used to be very clear, but now we land on BTTOLD and it doesn't seem to be recognised for the new V2 pool. Thanks.
You know what it looks like? Zethyr Exchange! Locking too much money will have you stalking like a sniper for liquidity to be able to recover the collateral(unless ofcourse th...
Creation of the Initial LP is asking to burn over 600 TRX. how much energy/resources would that need to not burn any?
Is there a way to put limit orders in SunSwap?
In V1, can we make a pair without Trx?
Where does the 23% WBTT rewards come from for "WBTT-TRX LP V1" farm?
When we make a LP, we earn transaction fee, but what about when staking it on For example: BTT/USDT pool is saying we earn Sun, is that separate to the 0.25% fee earni...
Why don't SunSwap verify the code of the LP tokens on Tronscan so that we can take a look at the *.sol codes?
Is it possible to create pairs of our own tokens? Not asking for financial assistance, just looking for facility to provide liquidity between our tokens.
In order to create LPs for my tokens, I have to submit a new token list, is that right?
Has anyone ever seen more than 2 hops in SunSwap V2 routing map?
Do you guys also have the spread markup? 2%+?
Is Sunswap open source?(including the front end)
Do unclaimed phase 2 rewards count in the boost?
How and why the veSUN votes gained shrink!?
What's gonna happen after ETH supercharger ends? Will cronos finally bridge to Ethereum announcement take place?