how often does baby doge burn?
what percent of each transaction gets burned?
why was the number of tokens burned yesterday and today so much lower than the three days before?
how many people would have to buy baby doge in order to have it hit 1 cent if the token number is in the tens of quadrillions?
do less people buy and sell on the weekends or something?
will the burn rate slow down over time? It can't keep burning 4 quadrillion per month or whatever forever
So what, go from a billionth of a cent to a millionth of a cent? That's the goal here?
I know they burned 3 quadrillion at the beginning of the month, does the amount that they burn at that first day of the month burn change by month?
if baby doge deflates at the rate that it is, how long until it is below 1 quadrillion in supply?