Just a quick one from me.. just cause I am not around doesn't mean that we need to go back to the old ways. I can assure you all that Daniele and Co are working tirelessly t...
Hey guys, you have been very welcoming and supportive since I have joined the team, so now it's time to give back. I will be hosting a series of small tasks within the commun...
Day 3 - Very simple! Quote Reply to my tweet correctly (don't comment) - be in for a chance for 50$. You must be following @DigitalBitsOrg You must use the hashtags #blo...
Is any of the community flying out/attending?
Good morning everyone and welcome to Day 2 of "7 days of XDB". Today's prize is another 50$. Today's task is: "What does DigitalBits mean to you?" This is an open questi...
Are there any parts of the ecosystem that isn't clear from a technical or Integration front to you which you'd like to see discussed on in the future? It may be stablys inte...
Morning guys! First week of the new year. How we feeling? 😎
Would you like another quiz at the same time next weekend?
So what do we think?💭
Hackathon results day! Whos excited?🥳
Thanks to all who participated again today. I have seen some cracking threads, just cause the prize is gone doesn't mean you cant keep sharing and supporting each other! Gon...
Day 4 - XDB Army Same as yesterday. Reply to the tweet - be in for 50$. Again, must be following @DigitalBitsOrg You must use the hashtags #blockchainforbrands #xdb #xdb...