When people say to keep the seed phrase from the stake wallet Does that mean the same wallet I bought hex with? The metamask one?
What's the best way of buying hex using Kraken?
Can you buy hex with credit card on poloniex?
Did the influencers got paid by anyone to promote hex? No There is no hex company Its completely decentralized, they can't really do nothing
People who missed the sac, should have liquid hex not staked right? If they wanna buy pulse at launch
on BITMART should you use limit or market buy? can someone explain to me?
Best option to buy hex if you have binance?
Can you store and stake on a trezor t?
Too late to get in on pulsechain?
I have a metamask connected to my trezor from the beginning Now I just buy and stake?
i'm trying to buy USDC to get hex from 1Iinch.io, they only have USDT is that ok?
how to avoid high eth fees?
Should it take a long ass time to swap btc for hex on changenow.io?
After buying and staking Should i see the hex in my trezor or what?
what's t share rate?
What's pulse? An I good only buying hex now? Fill me in
What's the best place to swap BTC for HEX?
Where can I see the real price of hex?
how long can i stake for right now?