$600 to end a two year stake? Ffs
With expired hex stakes which haven't been end staked or good accounting run , does the hex gets burnt over time or given to stakers as penalties ?
Time to end a stake . Whats a good gas price to wait for?
Whats going on with the ethhex.com domain ? Showing the error "net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" unless I use a VPN
What's the expected payout per t share now that 1.1% of total tshares have been nuked?
Ok is this being done by anyone as stakes expire ?
Anyone else having issues on stake.hex.com ? Not connecting to metamask , blue bars for 5 minutes so far
So HEX on ranking sites is still eHEX, with pHEX worth more than eHEX shouldnt it replace it?
What if RH burnt all the OA Hex ?
Why hasn't hex.com been fixed? Is the hex community moving to PLS / PLSX and abandoning us?
Where are all the ones who claimed they would buy the heck out of Hex at 1c?
What would the eth fee be on ending a 5555 stake at current gas fee ? 😬
Maybe the Playboy girls found Richards seed phrase ?
Any tips on avoiding gas fees that nuke the end stake value ?
Has axion been removed from polygon sushi swap ?
Can you stake ecash like hex ?