Imagine if Instagram or Facebook only allowed you five posts per day! I mean seriously 5 posts per day?! So I might comment on something, I might put a message in the feed, I ...
Why oh why in the notifications do we need to see when everyone and their mother adds a new post to the feed??!? PLEASE GET THE TO FIX THIS
Admin...... I'm still not able to use Wi-Fi in the app, I already put in a ticket about this, is something being done about this cuz I'd rather use Wi-Fi to try to get drops i...
Who in here has the economy secure wallet? Have you tried to send your Omi from the secure wallet into the VeVe app?
Do you all like a ton of drops every week, or do you think that's killing the market?
Has anyone in here successfully transferred Omi from the ecomi secure wallet into the VeVe app??
WEN Millennium Falcon?!?!