I need support! l'm trying to buy a cdc card for 3.5k but it says insufficient funds on cdc I have the money on my card and 7k as a spending limit and internationally. Can y...
Can somebody confirm to me how the card works? I use the dollar ballance that Nexo is giving me for my shopping for example. Then I need to refund this amount to Nexo with my...
Same for the other way around, how do I repay my credit? With crypto? If yes that would mean not paying taxes right?
Hey guys, let's say I unstake my cro, that means i'll lose my card benefits. But if i want to restake directly with the same card will it be done automatically or will i have ...
I have a question about the Launge Key pass: What happens if I tell the lady that scans the people that I have 2 seats instead one of? (Royal indigo card)
I don't see where it talks about fees. Are there fees between my dollar balance and the euros I spend?
Hey guys! Can you please explain how the card works?
Can I stake for a card with CROs I already have on my account?