Just posted a deep dive collab project on YouTube with Ultra supporter DCrypto25 - Why Ultra can be a top 5 Crypto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWo8kE2_5rw
Just uploaded a video on why I personally believe Ultra is the best investment in Crypto right now. Cheers 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfhqwWy1IC0&list=UUTorFENVMfV84Qw6...
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone - just released a new video on YouTube on how Ultra is going to the moon. Cheers! 🎄https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYDdkl-xNh8
Here is my "shill" video clip of the day, I don't think this was on Twitter, Swissborg announcing Ultra defeated SHIB, Axis Infinity, MANA, SAND in their token listing vote h...
https://twitter.com/ultrastarter/status/1495848680687304704?s=20&t=ktQegzaS6oiwgy5JloOxrA very positive mention for Ultra moments ago
Just uploaded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCVNOtNe8d4
Can't IGN find someone to write about blockchain that wants to and is excited about the space? strange times we live in.