Is there a recent Waves whitepaper to be found somewhere?
Hey all! I have a quistion about the altered pools' unstaking mechanism. It is now automatically received, isnt it? Can you tell me: [1] when this change coms in effect? [2] ...
Admin available here?
Hey guys, any news about when the Node applicants programme is being continued? (yes I know, V6... so my question is actually, when V6)
Hey Boris. Doubting where to ask my question, but it's a mainly waves-network related one... so I choose here 😊 I wanted to withdraw a small amount of BTC from Vires, using t...
Hey all, Any rough indication when the polygon USDC withdraw will be open again?
Hey all! I was just checking the wavesexplorer and noticed a script interacted with my wallet and claimed the WX rewards. In the most right field it says: FINALIZE Where can ...
Hello, Is there a place where I can find more information on running a Waves Pools, apart from the tech.waves website?
I know 😉 But Waves Keeper is the one that gives me the error, so that's why I turn to you?
Hey all! What is the minimum amount of WX to use for boosting? It just says the minimum amount is WX. Yes.. but how much?
@LarsWavesCM can I quickly send you a DM?
I will! Any timestamp? Weeks? Months? Hours from now...?