@C0rn3j I opt for tabs, but, please, tell me why 4 spaces not just 3 spaces?
Is it normal in consulting / contractors world? And if so, do you start attending job interviews f.e. in November just for safety reasons?
Ok, so final question -> if you companies didn't pay less for Indian labour, would they move their production lines to India? The answer is no. You wouldn't even have the work...
Do you think that Windows has no memory leaks? And in Microsoft there are plenty brilliant software developers, including Indian ones
And you think programmers are good the same? No, they're different, there are better, there are worse but very often get the same salary
I would make a test -> you have 1 cup of americano coffee from starbucks and 1 cup of the same from green cafe nero (I don't know if it exists in usa). Do you think how many p...
so memory leaks per salary? I don't think it's possible to calculate as we don't know all memory leaks which right now are in our software
T0 and TN means T(N+1). Where do you see it there? Please point me to that place
It's easy to call corporations greedy, aren't you? Most likely you're but it's ok in your opinion. We call it hypocrisy
Yes, but how do you read it? These characters / pictograms are really not readable. Even less then other alphabets I am used to.
Maybe you are just afraid of the pain but you know indeed that's necessary because of the otherwise negative effects of not having it?
You mean account closed and you have no access to the aws dashboard panel? If so, ask support to check it
Would you pay for the same but cheaper coffee, the corner around? It's simple question
Yes, I would pay for cheaper bread if it delivers the same quality 😊 Wouldn't you?
Well, we're not in middle ages, I guess... 😊 Do you think that women don't do it?
So why you say anecdotal proof are ok?
What? Doc in pdf or windows binary for android? Please, be kinder for new ones. You would help by replying f.e. how to generate pdf from doc source. I saw such solutions
That's ad hominem? Lol
Where is ad hominem?
You never answered my question -> would you?