Hey guys Imagine we've made a method "public static void print()" in a public class named "FirstClass". Now, we create a SecondClass . if we import FirstClass in the new c...
Hey guys I wanna start learning flutter. Does anyone here know any telegram channels, websites, etc. so I could learn Flutter or Dart faster?
Hi guys I've a question of overeiding. Take a look at this piece of code below: @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); PostConnector.getInstance().addObserve...
Hey guys In apps that we get a percentage of the app income, imstead of selling it, how can we make sure that we will certainly get that money from that customer? I mean wha...
And... For android developing, when we use API 21 instead of 19, for instance, it means that the "way" we use libraries changes? I just couldn't mach that definition to andr...
Hey guys Can someone please tell me the difference between Api, Framework and Librariy? I've got so confused...
Hey guys When i type "java -verion" on CMD it shows my java version like: 1.8.0_172 I guess the second number is my java version i.e. "8", right? So what do other numbers ...
Its the path, isnt it? I did so at the end of the Path variable
Hey guys Why and when do we use instance initializer blocks?
What? Could u explain a a bit more
No one knows???? Seriously???
How should i do it?