Do you want to put recyclerView inside constraint layout or contraint layout inside a recyclerview row?
Have you at least gone through the documentation of javafx? @Alone_Shadow
Iterate and remove? Or remove before you add it to the list?
We don't have a rule about unsolicited pms?
I still don't understand your problem. Are you saying that your application was removed from google play cuz high install rates?
Business Insider is indian?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard do you think file parsing is? Given the file will not exceed 300-400 lines?
Do you practice? Do you solve practice problems? Have you tried copying a successful website yourself?
Yeah why learn how to change your wheel on your car when you can have the garage do it. Amirite?
Do you think that is sufficient information for anyone to determine what's wrong with your code?
I don't work with tomcat but have you tried copying the dependencies manually?
Is your real name rajeeb gandy or is it derived from former indian prime minster?
There is nothing called as production folder. Can you link me the video?
Holy christ, do you guys don't even try to find a solution before asking?
Lol, your day can be ruined by watching someone else having curly hairs?
Did you get a mail from Google about rejection of your app?
Do you know or have you looked about HttpURLConnection class?
What are you even doing? Why is your fxml file under Java?