Maybe something like only allowing my contacts to add me to a group?
Boring how?
how do you sandbox user code?
@Hazyfeathers are you familiar with java or some other similar languaue?
Omg it's someone I know adding me to those groups?
Is cardinality measurement the euclidean distance?
Because it's thr language that enabled such uses?
but isn't it like extra steps you need to do?
How would you use two default valued anyways?
Guile? Is that some sort of go tool or something
Where are did you get this information from?
with all of wpress's plugin ecosystem?
I think the disk got stuck?
isn't programming in English great?
this would do it?
it isn't a shithole anymore?
anybody ever use chrome-headless before?
oh wait was it against the rules?
how does the dumb bot trigger?
learn to batch?