What the hell is that? Is it just a normal image button? If it is a transparent Toolbar, how is the top part still clickable and draggable?
What r u using? And how does it make it "machine learning"?
Hmm Does oncreate or oncreateview get called on replace?
No I mean, is that browser window, a webview?
what about the sketch in my prev dp?
So apps can have a completely different theme for night mode?
whats that thing? didnt see any docs regarding that
But how is that pink part clickable and draggable?
Why does that have anything to do with nudejs?
What about me? I'm not a German
What kind of "patent" is that?
Is that ur message template?
Isn't that the paid app?
Did I bother a member?
Are you using any API?
C-can I be ur book?