Is there another save portfolio app like staker? I’m looking for an iOS one.
Quick question where do I need to send the SEC comments to? Is it helpful when you are not living in the USA to do so?
I see people in the meme pool with transactions pending for 1 gwei still pending for 8 days is this something that eventually gets trough? Just curious.
Brothers and sisters, is the bottom in? Want to buy more cheap. But did not have money atm.
If you endstake and stake again and you manage to get the same shares, do you get the same payout or do you even lose money? And do you mint the same hex then or could you min...
I got a hardware wallet and the seed is secure. Any way I could secure more? I’m a bit scared after seeing that big of an EES.
What is an “exchange proxy”? I see it in etherscan in the “to” column. Can somebody enlighten me?
Is if an dusting attack? The scam token?