Do we have any word about AGI loyalty rewards in 2024? Thanks
regarding loyalty rewards, what was the result of this?: "In Q1 2023 we will organize a community governance event to discuss and decide how the rewards for year 2 and o...
is this a scam? seeing it on eternl
Hi! Any developments on agix loyalty rewards for ledger wallets? Thank you!
Are there any timelines for airdrops for hypercycle, rejuve, Sophia? Thanks
Is this the real agix ada bridge? or if not, thanks for linking
hi all happy weekend, has there been any developments on the loyalty reward access for people with ledgers? thx
Did Ben create Hypercycle?
Has Bitcoin volatility not been sufficiently high to raise interest rates back to where they were a year ago?
is there a day when AGIX runs on BTC? or is that an afront to btc maxis? or what's your reaction to this?