Has Binance comfirmed AGIX to ASI token swap? I want to send my tokens there.
Have Binance and Coinbase comfirmed OCEAN to ASI token swap? I want to send my tokens there.
Coinbase FET swap confirmed yet?
is it true that coinbase does not support the ocean swap?
so how is it I get 10% for 4 years?
What does „down“ mean? Was it hacked?
I staked 1000 Ocean for 4 years Now I can claim apx. 1100 how does that work out?
How‘s the merge going? Still in may?
When will Binance swap OCEAN for FET? I still see OCEAN in my Binance account.
what happened to the ASI Twitter account?
is the ocean X account hacked? look at last post pls
merger with agix and fetch? 1) what?
I thought 25% apy?
Peter Thiel talking about AGI - not the token ;) interesting to listen to his pov watch from 1:17:00 https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1ynJOZQQeAnGR?t=1h17m