so what will be first ??? mint prime multichain?
You can not borrow more than 24.21 FDUSD from this pool, as the borrow cap for this market is set at 8.00M FDUSD and 7.99M FDUSD are currently being borrowed from it.???????? ...
credit card without KYC ?:> :DDDD
so when buyback q4?:> or it was?:>
what chain will be on venus?
what we have total supply usdt on erc20?
ok so we have a plan for multichain??? what first? when ?:> :D
so when erc ?
so erc and mint in this year?:>
when v4????? when supply cut ????????????????
Hmm so when supply cut? Hehe
when will buyback start?
when we start buyback ?:>
when somethink big?:> supply reduce?:>
hmm when buyback ?:>
what happen with tusd?
hmm what about total supply cut?:>
when big news?:> :DD
why U add small project?
soon moon sir ?:»»)))))))))))))