is the LP bot down? WX/USDN has 14% buy/sell bid spread, which shouldn't happen if LP bot is working
Why does the "Assets" web page sometimes include WX, sometimes not? This is over the last few days
Is there way to audit USDC minted on waves is actually backed by USDC on other chains (e.g. ETH)? Sasha talked about making gateway decentralized in 2022, but wonder whether...
In the hourly graph, that green bar has by far the highest volume, more than 3x the previous peak volume. Whale's buying?
Looks USDC LPA Algo right now is showing the rate from three days ago. It certainly did not go up 7.79% yesterday. A bug?
After staking NSBT, the NSBT staking page still shows 0 "Staked Balance" - does it take some time for the balance to show up? Like certain # of blocks or daily?
Any plan to add Polygon gateway for usdc and usdt?