So what does this migration actually mean for nfts? We can open sell on immutable X direct and or open sea?
What's the best wallet to keep OMI safe in? Besides their ecomi wallet thing they are selling for $200??
When can we expect immutable upgrade? We should have a vote. Eth network or polygon. Gas prices are ridiculous Will we have to pay gas prices on immutable to transfer our nft...
Are you guys getting a message for someone who's supposed to be supoort?
When is immutable X coming? When will be able to switch gems to fiat and transfer out? Does Omi have worries about upcoming competiton and licensing issues that may occur if...
Admins. Do you recommend to move OMI to exchanges prior to the IMX transfer?
I thought the 13 days of veve started today?
Dumb question but why all of a sudden the prices on season 1-3 sky rocketed?
So when can we start selling our NFTs on Opensea? $👀
Cab we swap gems for OMi yet?