Nexo noooooo. So you add 4 new tokens without Earn? That is not good :( No bueno… I wanted Gala so much with a Yield :(
When Nexo will be available in Binance or Coinbase?? Its unbelievable that its not listed on major exchanges
So Nexo failed to release the card on the date announced? Oh my :(
Hey everyone!!! How come Maiar App only has 6 reviews on App Store?? Lets kill it and add reviews so that the app gets more exposure and we get more people to know about Elron...
Team, any news regarding new launchpad project? Its been quite silent, and I was expecting a higher frequency of project releases. I was under the impression that there were m...
What is happening to crypto???
Hey everyone. Was trying to buy egold over Maiar using Transak provider but it only allows me to buy a maximum of 1300 eur… why is that? This is such a low limit…. Makes no se...
@SeverMM can you comment on the shard1 issue? Thats important.
Guys why have MEX stopped updating its value on CoinMarketCap? Is it going to be fixed?
Are we gonna have release of the Nexo card after tomorrow?????
Guys when do we need to withdraw and stake again? Day?
Guys why MEX is not updating on CoinMarketCap still today? Makes zero sense… the live price should be added already today. :(
Anyone having issues on staking on the Mex Pool? I am signing the messages like 1000 times and nothing happens. I cannot stake :(
Guys this OpenGate news means that the sharding issue has been solved? DEX is now using all shards?
Hi everyone, when metabonding is supposed to start?
Guys quick question… the LPs even though the farming is disabled are still balancing the impermanent loss right? Meaning swap egold for mex and vice versa?
When will Maiar have MFA support?
Hey guys anyone in Dubai for the event? Do anyone know if there is something happening off working hours (evenings)?
Hey guys, why no one is talking about the failure on releasing the Nexo Card? No one is worried about that? :(
Hey guys. Do i need to perform the remove liquidity back to individual assets or just do withdraw and restake of same Liquidity?