Is kraken delisting ?
Just wondering. Is the new board member still a thing or have they backed out ?
Last question for the Subwallet team. I notice that you have integration with cryptotax Calculator. Most assets seemed listed apart from Energy Web. Is this likely to come in ...
So can we confirm that "Patrick" isn't the new board member that has been touted for a while ? I assume it's not because he has been on the board for a while....
Also can some one explain to me what EWX native support actually means ?
Question about the internet connection minimum requirements. How will this be tested ? Currently I run a 100 down and 20 up. But the actual speed is prob 95 down 17up. Will th...
Hey @Sloth_Belgium. So is whitelist only for the champions program or is it for anyone who wants to lift 3k worth of tokens ? Obviously I want to get in on that snapshot
How can I go about improving this ?
Such as ? I just generally prefer the layout of Telegram
When I connect my ledger there is a heap of wallet addresses. What one am I meant to use?
Hey @DaniyalAjdadi . My internet is currently 100 down and 18up (just short of the 20). Connection is pretty reliable. should this be ok ? The node is well above spec.
A few years ago my MM wallet was compromised. I had to set up a new email address. Have we worked out a way yet so I can use my primary email? Or some how link the two ?
Just chasing the worker flow pallet number we are currently at ?
Then my next question is how come it got listed fairly quickly on CoinSpot (A fairly conservative / regulated exchange in Australia). They don't have the biggest spread of coi...
What pallet number we up to today ?
Does Icon still have any partnerships with any large companies ? I remember back in the day they had Line and Samsung but couldn't find anything on the icon foundation website
My bag size is good but not great. I imagine if we stay in this bull market the next major price action would be with a larger exchange listing like biance or Coinbase. Do we ...
I was just wondering if the AMA will be posted on YouTube ? I really don't have to have to read lol
Hey. I think my MM seed may have become comprised. Can you change wallets mid staking when it comes to EWT?
What is our relationship with Redfox ? Are we just buying a virtual store ?