Also, my other criticisms are: 1. What does it mean that there is no such company at the alchemy gps workplace address? Then why did they write it as the address? 2. Why is th...
When will the alchemy share project be operational?
In the tweet, it was written that 1 million store shares would be given. But it will be given to 1000 people Then, will 1000 people be given a thousand shares?
There is something I don't understand, I would be glad if you could enlighten me. now 1 million store shares will be given in this airdrop but in the medium article it says th...
September 7 will be the second year of the release of the alchemy pay token. What exactly did they do in 2 years? I'm not talking about exchange listings or partnerships, shit...
someone dumped 25 million alchemy on their gate account, why could this be?
Is the big news just stock market news or is there any bigger news?
alchemy share investors unknown no tokenmetric They haven't tweeted in a month No 2022 roadmap Can anyone in charge here forward these to the team?
Bots are crawling everywhere. The alchemy pay twitter account is 123k, isn't it 100k just 2 days ago? 95 percent of the followers are bots and the remaining 10 thousand people...
ape coin gmt Why are they flying even though they are in this bad market? because they created hype, they fed everyone, I don't think both projects are as good as alchemy pay ...
I want to ask something What is the difference between alchemy payment project and both focused on consumers they both draw cards dubai
nothing left for the new year When will roadmap and white paper be published?
What does bridge mean? What's the use of throwing ach here? 40 million ach has been thrown into this in the last 1 hour
What do you think?
This wallet collects ach like a maniac Is it a personal or corporate wallet?
2 days until new year where is the whitepaper and roadmap?
why is one bigger?
to binance ?