@Physix1 Jon! I just got a serious problem in Rejuve Telegram Group again! Can you help me?
I sees SophiaVerse website has incorrect information, Sophia's birthday is February 14 (valentine's day), why does it says Sophia was born in March?
Ben on Veganism https://twitter.com/bengoertzel/status/26425402095?t=22X2iU-xBGeTXjmImobrbg&s=19
Hey admins, Is this scam?
Does SingularityNET have a Tiktok account?
SophiaVerse is going to compete with ChatGPT of OpenAI to see who will win? Link: https://youtu.be/zZXO3Sv979s
Looks like Jam Galaxy is a joint venture between SingularityNET and Hanson Robotics, right?
Please, Can someone help me explain the difference between SingularityNET and Fetch.ai ?
Is SingularityNET the "First" and "Only" Decentralized AI Project in the World?