Hey guys another HOLO lotto question - are these KYC checks done automatically? Do I have to do anything but hodl?
Hey guys little confused with the RIDE lotto...All my EGLD is staked, so I have to unstake to buy tickets, but if I remove from staking then it won't get caught in the staking...
Hello sers not sure if this is the place to ask but can I use my maiar app ETH address to receive NFTs? 🤔
Sup guys anyone know if there's a way to shorten our track links for socials?
Hey guys so do we have to manually apply for the HOLO lottery or does it apply us automatically based on EGLD? Also does it need to be staked?
Hey guys, so I'm not mistaken, for maximum earnings should I unstake my EGLD from Maiar app and add it as liquidity on the exchange?
Hey guys for RIDE lotto, am I free to unstake my EGLD after the snapshot? I want to move it to the DEX but need it staked for the snap
Hey guys dumb question....but after claiming the mex where is it? lol - as in is it in maiar app somewhere?