How to make ergo more opaque? Outside of just mixer
can we scrape all the addresses who donated to MEXC listing somewhere? There are many who want to airdrop tokens to them
emojis not allowed in here?
Any ideas around Ergo utilizing/switching to Minotaur, should the need arise?
For the android cold wallet, would it be possible to add a feature so that I can manually set the name of tokens?
Lmao, the twitter account was deleted? Wonder how ETC will take that.
Who's gonna make the 💩 token?
thoughts on Polyx? They apparently have P2P fiat <—> crypto
Ergo has been delivering non-stop though. It just doesn't reach the masses for some reason. Why do people want to buy kas instead of erg?
can I use mobile wallet instead, and use my own full node to send transactions?
What is latest on sub-blocks?
If it gets completed, shouldn't too hard to install it as an app through the wallet, no? Or just a download link to APK file?
Any guestimates what TPS sub-blocks can bring to Ergo?
Anyone have link to Ergo mining group?
Transactions window always empty in Satergo?
Is there a tweet showcasing the 15k outputs in one transactions?
Pegasus blocks?
What about stealth addresses?
Any idea when ERG withdrawals will resume?
What about the rat race?