I was just checking my walet today. And i see that i had some USDT locket in that old Lambo investment. I know they are still kinda doing the audit in usdt and usdc ... but...
Hi, there is any news about USDC-wgx ?
So... What is waves 🌊 1->2 ? There gonna be a waves 2.0?
hi , question here: Was just looking how much is locked in waves (in defi Llama, and the waves.exchange , kinda does not acount for the USDC and USDT locked in the system. n...
XTN fail? , wasn't it supposed to fluctuate around $1 ?
Can we buy/sell usdc-wxg currently? I mean, at $0.09 , its a bargain, considering it will eventually get back to pegging at $1
So... About the IOTA staking in shimmer and Assembly, is it already working? Where can I stake, didn't see any of that in firefly wallet
To get the airdrop , we just need to have iota in the firefly wallet?