@Armeanio can we get a Q&A with Dan Friedman sometime? (It will be the only time “wen Binance” will be taken serious lol). I want to ask him about Osaka!
General question: How do you perform a private sale of tokens from one person to another in a trust less manner? Can it be done through the Raffle?
Who’s CW that Armeanio is referring to in the AMA? Is it the video guy?
@Armeanio @DanielTetsuyama explain yourselves, this exchange coming by end of May, is it really Tier 1 (whatever that means)?
@glasgowm I’m teaching myself Ergo development and prototyping an idea I have. what’s the incentive of entering ErgoHack 3 vs not entering and continuing solo?
@DanielTetsuyama can you tell us how Kairon labs will work their magic? What exactly can they do to affect volume? Isn’t that up to the markets?
@glasgowm what’s the best resource for a beginner to learn development on Ergo platform?