guys is there a way to pull bnb from a users account if the user account approves the smart contract?
does anyone know how etherscan/bscscan get the token amount sold if you used a custom contract to sell it through?
is the token holders section in bscscan updated for every transactions?
does anyone know why this is not working?
does anyone know how to deploy pancakeswap-lottery and randomnumbergenerator contracts?
this is my erc20 token. am i doing it wrong?
i wonder how are they tracking the holders. Do they track those who buy it from pancakeswap or just the normal transfers?
is there any way to debug these type of tx errors that doesn't have a hash value?
what does it mean if i dont have a tx hash in my sendTransaction results?
can someone help me with pancakeswap fork? I am trying to deploy the PancakeV2Router.sol but it needs a init hash.
guys how do you bridge bsc to dogechain?
guys, i need to compile PancakePair.sol contract first to generate the init hash Right?
guys how do you get the custom revert errors in ethersjs?
1000k? wtf