Anyone working on local-first apps? I'm curious what others are applying it too. And what approach are using to keep states in sync, handle offline etc
So what's the point of creating iterface, adapters, and more stuff for things that 100% won't have another implementation?
Anyone here with deep knowledge on frontruning bots? A friend send me the disclouse about an attack sufferend in a project, and I wasnt aware of frontrunning bots that clone a...
Detect browser language?
let zero = f => x => x; let nextChurch = n => f => x => f(n(f)(x)); let toInt = c => c((x) => x + 1)(0); let toChurch = n => n === 0 ? zero : nextChurch(toChurch(n - 1));
The group topic still dev?
Hi, anyone know a NodeJS speciific channel?
is there anyway to rest async generator like the normal ones ? [...generator()]
const range = function* (start, end, step = start > end ? -1 : 1) { let state = start; while (state < end) { yield state; state += step; } return; };
Someone have experience with slate.js or draft.js ? im not sure wich one take as base for a rich text editor
const RamdaRangeNotThomasButClose = R.curry((start, end, step) => R.unfold(n => n <= end ? [n, n + step] : false, start));
is there any engine with TCO atm?
wich one you prefer?
How can i filter an array?
Wich generator you using?
isnt pixijs smaller?
Dumb question if you have one week yo Learn dime Go, wich topics you would recommend to focus more ?
Someone have experience with esp32 and esp-idf ?
I sus something but not sure if still working, by suscribe you mean answer to users messages?
Someone that works with CQRS and DDD can recomend a good book? Prefer if its JS or Go oriented