Why you can't set boolean with a number in Go? Apparently the checks are still comparing if it's non-zero so when we are forcefully set it 3 it still says true: https://go.de...
How do you like developinf Golang apps on Apple MacOS, esp the silicon chip? I've been using Linux for years and I want to know what your thoughts about developing it on that ...
Is go:noescape really does something there?
Elixir based on Ruby?
So how did you achieve yours?
I have a question about cgo, why does C function can't direct call by Go? I understand the calling conversion between these two worlds different, but couldn't we just "save" t...
Do you know how the two's complement works there?
Alright so no way to get the pointer of string using reflection?
it's not the string, but like .Elem() as like pointer dereference i was looking for reflection that can turn take for example that string reflect.ValueOf(er) (originally stri...
Do you have only 1 endpoint for each action?
And is that will make it faster in performance?
Windows restore point don't work?