anyone here ever use GraphQL?
what's the best way to determine the appropriate number of go routines when implementing a worker pool?
do you still even need an src folder with go modules?
is there any point to implementing a worker pool when the go scheduler exists?
i suppose they're still good for sending cancelation events?
How common is it for GO developers to include a src directory in their project's root? ie: each project repository contains a makefile which modifies GOPATH.
is there an idiomatic way to make additional calls to WaitGroup.Add block until WaitGroup.Wait has finished executing?
Does it make sense that we decided to break this apart into 2 separate microservices?
What's the best way to create a deep copy of an http.Request object?
we would still need to pass it into the worker func in place of "done" though right?
could you point me in the direction of some good resources that I can review then?
now when you say that a language is abstract - what do you mean exactly?
would you guys recommend using a game engine for your first project?
are there any good tools which automatically perform struct alignment?
anyone try this?
how do you guys normally handle database migrations?
if i cancel derived context will it affect parents?
what's the fastest checksum library for go?
wait...isn't there an open source JVM?
did you read the article?