I do have a question regarding the lending function on the exchange: If i take out a BTC loan and also place BTC as a collateral, the LoanToValue (LTV) should always stay the ...
Apologies for the naive question, but I have been searching for quite some time now without any success: Where are my "boosted rewards" in XMEX going after i claimed them? I ...
Do they generate yield allready, but the "earned mex" are just not showing on the UI?
Any new flashpool in sight?
Anyone still has the chart showing how many holoride tickets we get depending on the amount of egld we hold?
The whole announcement speaks about how the terms will change, then it ends with this sentence "There will be no changes to the holding term options (i.e. Flexible, 1 Month fi...
Staking LKMEX for other LKMEX has an APY of 115%. What is the rationale to remove these and stake for METABONDING? Are we getting the Metabonding Token at an attractive pricep...
When will the Metabonding Pools open? Is the snapshot is happening in 8 days, it shpuld open rather soonish, shouldn´t it?
Will LKMEX token staked on the Staking farm be counting for the Metabonding snapshot? Or will there be a seperate pool?
Will there be any need to use MEX in the future? Or will the price continue to decrease due to increasing supply and no usecases?
Hello, I have been using the OLD EGLD-> ETH Bridge roughly 18 hours ago, but did not receive funds on ETH ( Metamask ). Is it still being serviced? How long will transactions ...
MEX token can be bought tommorow. Question is, whether"Locked Mex" token can be bought today?
When will the first "Locked Mex/Egld" liquidity pool be available?
Just to be shure...the mystery box we could buy ...when and how will we be able to use it?
How long does the bridge take currently?
Any idea what the APY for the lkmex Pool that produces holo will be?
Does it make sense to put LP tokens into the farm today?
Why do the farms not show any "earned Mex"?
MEX Price is rising...any idea why?