question on BASE APR. I have some vecrv but they are on mainnet. I assume that the i get bonus crv emission thanks to those vecrv, or the locking contract is different?
Is there an ELI5 for frax and v3? I don’t know what i can do w frax nowdays, but i feel like is a lot
@michwill ser, I am in the discord of many lending protocols. And I casually dropped the crv lending launch Apart some trolls of mansion, hf, other fudders, main issue is mai...
So can anyone explain why stables are skyrocketing APRs on Acryptos?
Given the current logic of liquidation, does it make sense to be aggressive (i.e. health very low), to increase bands, or what? What is the best logical way to use this if you...
As a multi-impacted LPer and lucky man exploited on cnc and some other funny protocols, do you have an idea of the post mortem timing?
Is there another bridge working?
Question. I have crv to claim for the hack. The vesting already started, so if I claim now it will be a very low amount; do I have to “enable” the vesting the first time, or i...
In my understanding my loan to repay goes up; if it hits a band it "attacks" a very tiny amount of collateral. Correct?
I.e. pointless to claim the veCRV now?
uSDC FRAX; why it's paying insane rewards? What is going on, is it part of the current crv drama?
is it me bugging or rewards on base are dead?
Do you have any basic idea of the question you just made?
@michwill any chance to reload the BASE pools with some juice? APRs are terrible right now
May I suggest @michwill or whoever in charge to modify the UI on crv/base to avoid confusion?
guys again, can someone explain me why the supply rate is higher than the borrow on VIRES? It doesn't make any sense
Did anybody tried Rabby? Any opinion?
Guys if i vote for 4pool with my veCRV, how do i get a reward?
Ehi, is there an issue with bridges?
sorry guys, how to bridge BUSD or MATIC to Cronos chain?