Hi, can a scammer help with my wallet? I'm bored and lonely.
I've made nfts and they are listed on xoxo.com, but I haven't gotten any sales! Any suggestions?
So if i send Bitcoin to my wallet, i can't swap it, can i?
quick question: I'm looking for the details about the 11/26 release of the $RIDE token on the Maiar Exchange. Can someone throw me a link where I may find out the fine details...
My wallet isn't acting right. It seems to be broken. Can anyone help?
some scammer tried to join me to a group... this is really a bad scene. How many people are going to lose their lives savings??
What is the timeline for $RIDE on the Dex? Has it been changed and where can I find this info?
Just a quick question - where can I find my xMex weekly rewards after I claim them?
Silly question... is there an XRP bridge?
So, if I have an invention and I want to go the Elrond route, how do I go about it?
this is what, the third time in 3 weeks Binance ran out of EGLD?
True. The political landscape does form much of our financial plans. Barring politics, if this exchange makes us into millionairs, we should start a telegram group for how to ...
Did you watch Babadook?
Is there a XRP bridge?
How about wen Mex on binance?
okay, so how much longer before the next release?
Which cards?The EGLD card?
@SeverMM You said it was fixed amount. How long will that last? A month or so?
@SeverMM , on the 29th, can Americans buy the $RIDE token?
After the first year, can I still get locked Mex?