In my opinion there must be a nice volume using ubone, if they are profitable like marten says in the blog post, what I believe. This is really nice, having a structure behin...
What should they write ??? Equally what they write you will never be happy. The most people think like this. Be patient and hold or sell. Let them work, take a breath and e...
So if we have 500 txs in a hour - its worth around 50 USD bought with fiat or UBT tokens with a volume of around 5 USD ? Can somebody please explain the baseledger acitivity and what this exactly means ? Is this the transactions from contracts working ...
Is it not possible to create a small video which use case ubt offers, how it works, what specific advantages are behind this service and so on ???
Is there a life stream from the N2 conference today ?
It would be a good sign for all parts involved, if UBT burn tokens, when clients using usd instead the token 🤔 until we are at the same price 1 usd 🤔 Or UBT buy back the toke...
Ok - not so perfect working. And on uniswap polygon ?
Whent its 0.433 from 2.80 USD than the part for ocean is 1.21 USD - so maybe we get another 15 % down ferom here ?
Is it possible to check how many from the hashes are paid with tokens and how many with usd ?
Maybe you are new in the crypto space ? They have a lot of clients - so every exchange which lists ubt for a normal procedure is good for the adoption.