Is there anyway you can lose some of your staked CoTi in the treasury based on your risk profile, or is there no risk of that?
Any update on Ledger?
Are the Devs close to fixing this or will it be tomorrow before we can stake?
Is there any way to push Ledger to add native CoTi soon? Are you in contact with Ledger about it?
Is there a way to reset your secret key?
Any update on Ledger or USA staking?
Been waiting about 11 hours for ERC-20 CoTi to bridge to Native CoTi in my wallet. Is there maintenance going on?
Djed this month?
How's the big fox going?
Has the bug been fixed?
I thought it was launching in January?
How long does verification take?
Can an admin confirm you can stake in the treasury and receive rewards without any risk/leverage? AKA, exactly the current staking method.
Am I correct in saying over 10% of all CoTi ever is now staked? The total amount of CoTi is 2 billion?
Is the major stablecoin client being announced this year?
I've read a places that staking in the USA is coming in Q3? Is that true, or is there no set date until we have regulatory clarification?
Is anyone else getting this or is it just me?
Does anyone know if this was resolved?
Does anyone know how to solve How to solve the "treasury app request failed" when clicking New Deposit? I've been trying for nearly 3 hours now.
Are there any new listings coming up for CoTi? Are you planning on listing on Revolut?