Why the hell do you need our passport numbers and all this privat informations??? ( speaking from the tweet…)
Is there a medium to find out wich resources are the best on lands?
Hom much fees did you guys pay for like 2k tokens? On ultra direkt it would be around 200.-
Hi Ultra Team Do you guys have a Influencer market campanie? I have contacts with the Moderator from Sandro 2.0 (smaller German YouTuber 12k) maybe this would be a good chanc...
And other question, the refferal link i see by my wallet is that allready working? Can i invite people and will get little reward as it says in the withepaper
Do you guys add continuum Worl in your Ulrtavers, they make lands and thing for NFT market and the want wo do app, maybe this could be included?
There is a UltraVerse? Ore are the things in Ultra called Ultraverse?
ahhh so i could use USDT from my Metamaks? normally only use Polygon^^
Can a Admin confirm dat the UOS adress on coingecko is right?
Is there a date planed when it is?