than I ask it here again and try it: will it be possible for me ad a holder to use my reef on other chains too? to buy and swap them there for nft or anything else ant the me...
hi guy is that right that this token has a inflation System that increase the token suplay per year?
guys i got fast a question: has reef a max Supply of 20.0 Billionen? so that there will never be more than that?
and omi is Deflationary or I'm wrong? what's the aim of amouts that omi plans to reach? I mean max supply aim
so there is not a max supply? it coud end up inflationary or what u mean?
hi guys i got a question will cro be listen anytime on binance too?
hi guys i got a question about the tokenomics and reef. has it a max supply of 20 billion?
hi guys. is the full Supply allready out or will there be in the future some coins drop at the market here?
I got 3 questions: many tokens have that project? 2. is it on uniswap? 3. will some coins be burned?
guys I got a question what will happen when we hit our maximum coins?
is it possible that omi will be listed on binace soon or so?
hi, guys i got a question: why is the Max suppy not showen at binace?
hi I got a question: what's the max supply here?
can u tell me than, if there will be a coin burn soon or later with dent?
why is the dent Homepage down?