if we don't give any id or key in hibernate then what happen?
Why to go with graphql?
is it possible to insert multiple null value in unique key column ?if yes then what will happen if we insert multiple null value
Is any one know how to call jsp when we run project on sever without using welcome file tag in web.xml file but using annotations???
can we say tupple data type is same as constant in java?
Is java paid after jan 2019??
please correct me if i am wrong ....in collections random access is only for Arraylist and vector???
so without annotation or xml file mapping their is no chance for primary key right?
So no such benefit from it?
Any one know how to use $.when().then(function)??
I read somewhere on Internet is that true or rumers?
Can anyone tell me how to use pychram???
anyone know how to clear python shell?
like eclipse is any studio for python?
condition? statement 1: statement2