So I need your assistance. I am have been having this issue for days now. Here is the code... } public function sendSms($to,$text){ $basic = BasicSetting::first(); $appi ...
Hello... Those of you who code on the go, using android phones. Which code editor do you use? Which other android coding or programming tools or apps do you use as well?
The hero is under the footer. How can I fix this please?
Anyone use Vscode in Arch Linux? Mine keeps crashing and freezing anytime I drag a tab or drag a file into another folder. How can I solve this?
Anyone knows o of telegram groups for Git version control, github, bitbucket and may be other version controls? Please send links
Are u saying flutter is more native than react native when in comes to app development?
I tend to like postgresql and I don't know why? What are the difference
So how do you all see GOlang? Is it worth learning for the future?
What happened? Please you need to find another and add me
I thought they do. But they teach React?
Oh cool. What about Mongodb?
How good is this UI?