What have I missed from this AMA? Thanks in advance
Anyone having trouble with the reset password link?
Fantastic four #1 SR Comic or Walt statue best long term?
How close do yous think the app is from being dead? Like marketplace is absolutely bottoming hard
What has actually happened this year besides migrating to eth in Jan? Absolutely nothin....
Why do messages get deleted in this chat? Isn't this a community discussion telegram?
Is drop lottery still coming soon with the Web app being live?
Does the team even care about the token? Or is there no team even working on the token 🤣
Whats the delay on exchanges? I thought once migration was done we were full steam ahead?
Will the veveverse be out by the time I'm in the retirement home? I'm 21yo
We getting any OMI news soon? Been all about Veve for ages
Whats the next OMI support line? Admins don't delete
What was said in AMA my fellow investors?
Whens Omi to nft? Anyone know?
Are we getting 1 exchange this month?
Anyone buy any Everdome?
How long until omi to nft?