Hi. I am very new to Kava and just started to explore. I sent USDC to KAVA EVM via Celer Bridge. Now I have little bit of USDC in my Metamask, but how can I use it? I do not ...
Which Dex you guys favourably trade Kava for stablecoins?
Hi! Is there a place where I can see at what premium bots executing the liquidation (not kujira). Are they now in front of Kujira liquidators or in the end of the queue?
Hi, which DEX supports ceUSDC on Klaytn?
Can you HALT for couple of days the whole ANCHOR to preserve peoples values?
Please anyone can brief me why ANC got so high? I think I am gonna loose on my Anchor rewards from Anchor when the correction comes as I actually will be getting less UST Valu...