Does anyone know what is ment by this?
Does anyone know what DaoJones is?
Why didnt Frax Share call itself MakerDestroyer?
Harm FXS?
A question does Frax benefit a lot when Toke reactors go live?
Is Luna an ecosystem or does it run on another ecosystem?
We proposing 100m Frax to Tokemak?
@samkazemian have u seen this sir?
@samkazemian What the fuck is Maker doing?
Can someone explain the supply crunch/shock in layman terms?
can't u read? $7M kinda seems like 7 million dollar no?
Has Redacted cartel started their FXS bonds yet?
How is Tokemak going to benefit Frax Finance?
But their liquidity does nothing for us?
IS this data even correct?
Wen Sam on UpOnlyTV?
So people get less yield?
When does cvxFXS go live?
Can’t u guys read?