If we use centrelized data centers so how can any blockchain can be decentlized?
Intersting, why they are tiny, wasn't it the biggest value capture mechanism of ATOM?
Guys do we have any project that acts like cross chain layer 2 solution and connects ETH cosmos and other chains?
Why we dont get the ICS staking rewards like was promised?
What do you mean? Shouldnt it appear in our wallet?
What is the math? How much Neutron going to pay for ICS rent? For how long? What percentage Neutron token the community get back? You know all those question you should ask b...
But is there any project that connects cosmos to ETH layer 2?
How etc will get his value? I can't find any new project built on it, do you think classic swap will make etc bullish?
When different chains using the ibc router, they need to pay atom as fees?
Let's say ETH uniswap and cosmos uniswap will able to communicate?
I think there are more cosmos projects why only those one in the picture?
The moment I put more atoms to stacking it looks like it erased my previous rewords (maybe paid the gas fee for the additional transaction from the unclaimed rewords ?)
If you have good idea You are free the use ICS service and to rent security, why ask for funding?
Staking percentage went from 62% last month to 58% today, is there burn mechanism on ibc transaction s to fight that inflation?
Or the ibc router is free service? I'm trying to understand if the ibc router bring value to the atom token
What can I do to earn yield while I'm waiting for a bull run on 1inch tokens?
Hi when 1inch pro will be live and will it use 1inch token?
Hi guys someone knows if I can stake ROSE using keplr wallet?
Which network on Kepler u are deposit juno?
What you think umee can extend atom market cap?