How can i send erc-20 tokens without showing with ticker in twallet send from the trustwallet to an exchange?
Why is $WSM wallstmemes not showing in Trustwallet only on Ether?
When i buy $coti/$usdt on Kucoin then i get native $Coti who can i send directly to the Viper wallet and stake them in Treasury?
When $Djed? When big Merchant? When increase in $Coti price?
$Coti is Nr 194 Coinmarketcap that’s very low with all the Topexchanges When $Djed and Big Merchants?
When will it be cheaper to buy native $Coti with Creditcard directly in Viper Wallet? It’s very expensive yet!
Why should i invest in $Coti with two Coins Erc20 and Native? Give me some reasons please?
Is the $Coti price of $Coti Erc20 and $Coti native the same?
Is Djed officially delayed or is it FUD?
Why are these Countries restricted?